Sunbeam Extensions

Sunbeam extensions allow you to add new features to the pipeline. You might use an extension to carry out a new type of analysis, or to produce a report from Sunbeam output files. Extensions can be re-distributed and installed by other researchers to facilitate reproducible analysis.

A Sunbeam extension consists of a directory that contains a rules file. The rules file must have a name that ends with the file extension “.smk”. The name of the extension is derived from the name of this file. It is customary for the name of the extension to start with “sbx_”, which is shorthand for “Sunbeam extension.” Technically, only the rules file is needed for a Sunbeam extension. In practice, almost all extensions include other files to facilitate the installation of software dependencies, to specify parameters in the configuration file, and to give instructions to users.

In Sunbeam version 3.0 and higher, extensions can be installed using the sunbeam extend command, followed by the GitHub URL of the extension you’re installing. For example, to install an extension to run metagenome assembly, you would run:

sunbeam extend

Sunbeam extensions are installed by placing the extension directory in the extensions/ subdirectory of the Sunbeam software. Once the extension is in place, Sunbeam will find the rules file and incorporate the new functionality into the Sunbeam workflow.

Writing the rules file

The rules file contains the code for one or more rules in Snakemake format. These rules describe how to take files produced by Sunbeam and do something more with them. When Sunbeam is run, the Snakemake workflow management system determines how to put the rules together in the right order to produce the desired result.

Example: MetaSPAdes assembler

We’ll use the sbx_metaspades_example extension to illustrate the basics. This extension runs the MetaSPAdes assembly program on each pair of host-filtered FASTQ files, producing a folder with contigs for each sample.

The rules file contains two rules: one describes how to run the MetaSPAdes program, and the other gives the full set of output folders we expect to make. Here is the rule that runs the program:

rule run_metaspades:
        r1 = QC_FP/'decontam'/'{sample}_1.fastq.gz',
        r2 = QC_FP/'decontam'/'{sample}_2.fastq.gz'
        " -1 {input.r1} -2 {input.r2} -o {output}"

The first line indicates a new rule named run_metaspades. The input and output sections contain patterns for file paths that will be used by the command and produced after the command is run. The conda section specifies which environment the command should be run in (i.e. it specifies which software will be necessary to run the command). The command itself is given in the shell section. Files from the input and output sections are indicated in curly braces inside the command. In the case of multiple inputs, you can assign them individual names, like r1 and r2, then refer to these names inside the command.

In this example, the input and output filepaths are given as Python code. This is typical for rules in Sunbeam, because we are using info from the user’s configuration to determine the full filepath. Let’s take QC_FP/'decontam'/'{sample}_1.fastq.gz' and see how it’s put together. QC_FP is a Python variable, which gives the absolute path to the directory containing quality control results in Sunbeam. This value is a special Path object in Python, which means that we can add subdirectories using the division symbol /. Here, decontam is the name of a subdirectory inside the main quality control directory. The last part, {sample}_1.fastq.gz looks like the name of a gzipped FASTQ file, but has something going on inside those curly braces.

The {sample} bit inside the input and output sections is the most important part of this rule. It’s called a wildcard, and indicates that for any sample, we expect to see certain files before and after the command is run. If a sample is named Abc, Snakemake will look for the files Abc_1.fastq.gz and Abc_2.fastq.gz before running the command. If these files don’t exist, that’s an error. Likewise, Snakemake will check for the subdirectory metaspades/Abc after the command is run; if it’s not there, Snakemake will stop and report the discrepancy. Wildcards allow you to write one rule that runs on all the samples.

We have a standard format for files that can be used as input to your extension. Here are all the patterns you can use:

Sequence data files


Quality-controlled, non-decontaminated sequences

QC_FP/’cleaned’/’{sample}_{rp}.fastq.gz’ QC_FP/’cleaned’/’{sample}_1.fastq.gz’ QC_FP/’cleaned’/’{sample}_2.fastq.gz’

Quality-controlled, decontaminated sequences

QC_FP/’decontam’/’{sample}_{rp}.fastq.gz’ QC_FP/’decontam’/’{sample}_1.fastq.gz’ QC_FP/’decontam’/’{sample}_2.fastq.gz’

Summary tables


Attrition from decontamination and quality control


Sequence quality scores


Very often, you will use one of these patterns directly for input to a rule. For output from a rule, you’ll often use a pattern from the tables above and modify it to suit your command.

Our example extension has one more rule, representing the final set of files that should be produced after the extension is run. This rule has no output and no command; only input. After Python evaluates the code, the input to this rule is the full list of directories created by MetaSPAdes for every sample:

rule all_metaspades:

This rule is critical for the {sample} pattern to work inside the Snakemake workflow management system. To determine the names of the samples, Snakemake works backwards, starting with the files you would like to produce at the end of the workflow. Snakemake does not work forward; you can’t give it a list of samples or assume that it will match against input files already present. This may seem strange, but this way of working allows Snakemake to assemble a workflow containing only the steps that are needed to make a particular set of output files.

Fortunately, there is a basic pattern employed to write rules like this. Here, we take the output pattern from our other rule; this gives the pattern for the files we’d like to have at the end. Then, we use a function called expand to generate the full list of files. The expand function expects to get a list of all possible values for every wildcard in the filename. Sunbeam provides two variables for this purpose: Samples.keys() gives the full list of sample names, and Pairs gives the values used for the forward and reverse reads in the file. Here, we give sample=Samples.keys() as an additional argument to expand(), and the function produces a list of all the outputs we expect.

When the user runs the extension, they specify the rule name, all_metaspades. Using the full list of output directories, Snakemake figures out what sample files it needs to use, figures out what commands to run, runs the commands in parallel if possible, and lets you know if there were any problems.

Example: a reproducible report

As another example, we’ll look at an extension that takes standard output from Sunbeam and produces a report. The extension sbx_shallowshotgun_pilot enables researchers to re-run the analysis for a small methods comaprison.

To make a report from Sunbeam output files, the extension needs only one rule.:

rule make_shallowshotgun_report:
        kraken = CLASSIFY_FP/'kraken'/'all_samples.tsv',
        preprocess = QC_FP/'preprocess_summary.tsv',
        quality = QC_FP/'fastqc_quality.tsv',
        sampleinfo = sunbeam_dir + '/extensions/sbx_shallowshotgun_pilot/data/sampleinfo.tsv'

Here, the output is a single file path, and the path does not contain any wildcards like {sample}. Therefore, Snakemake can work backwards from the output file and figure out everything it needs; we can use this rule as our final target when running Sunbeam.

The basic structure of the rule and most of the inputs should be familiar from the previous example. One of the inputs, sampleinfo, does not come from Sunbeam, but is distributed with the extension. We know the filepath inside the extension is data/sampleinfo.tsv, but we need to specify the entire path for Snakemake to find the file. To do this, we use the variable sunbeam_dir, which points to the Sunbeam installation directory. The extension must be located inside the extensions/ subdirectory to run. From here, we know how to get to our file. Because the value of sunbeam_dir is an ordinary string, we use the + symbol to add on the extensions/ subdirectory, the directory name for the extension, and the path to the file inside the extension directory. This example shows how to refer to files inside the Sunbeam installation directory.

In the output section, we need to specify a file path for the final report. Here, we use the configuration parameter Cfg['all']['output_fp'] to get the base directory for output from Sunbeam. The value of this configuration parameter is a Path object, so we use the / symbol to add the rest of the filepath. Just as a note, Snakemake will create the reports/ subdirectory if needed, so you don’t have to worry about directories being present ahead of time to accommodate your output files.

At the bottom of the rule, we write script instead of shell, because we’d like Snakemake to run a script instead of a shell command. Here, we give the name of a script in R Markdown format. The file path of the script is given relative to the rules file, which is a little bit different from all the other file paths in the rules file, but convenient.

Inside the script, we need to access the input files given in the rule. Here is the part of the script that accesses the input file paths and saves them as ordinary variables in R:

sample_fp <- file.path(snakemake@input[["sampleinfo"]])
preprocess_fp <- file.path(snakemake@input[["preprocess"]])
quality_fp <- file.path(snakemake@input[["quality"]])
kraken_fp <- file.path(snakemake@input[["kraken"]])

The R Markdown tutorial and book are the best sources of information on the report format, whereas the R for data science book provides a good introduction to the R programming languageas you might use it in the report.

Variables provided by Sunbeam

Here is a table of all the Python variables provided by Sunbeam for use in your extensions:


Deprecated filepaths will be moved from the main pipeline to the extensions where they are used in a future release.

Further reading

We’re only scratching the surface of what you can do with rules in Snakemake. The official Snakemake documentation gives excellent instructions with more examples.

Software dependencies

If your extension requires additional software to be installed, there are a couple ways to manage these dependencies. The preferred method is to create an environment file named sbx_ext_name.yaml that looks something like this:

name: metaspades_example
  - bioconda
  - other-channels
  - spades
  - other-packages

You then attach this environment to any rules that require any of the listed dependencies with conda.

NOTE: If this method is used with sunbeam version <3.0, the --use-conda flag has to be included in the sunbeam run command (i.e. sunbeam run all_metaspades --use-conda --configfile /path/to/config).

Alternatively, you can provide the names of Conda packages inside a file named requirements.txt. This file contains the package names, one per line. To install Conda packages in this file, users of your extension will run the conda install command with this file as an additonal argument (while the sunbeam environment is active):

conda install --file requirements.txt


Your extension can include its own section in the configuration file. To take advantage of this, you would write an example configuration file named config.yml. This file should contain only one additional configuration section, specifying parameters for your extension. For example, the sbx_coassembly extension includes two parameters: the number of threads to use, and the path to a file with groups of samples to co-assemble.:

  threads: 4
  group_file: ''

As of version 3.0, config options from extensions are automatically included in config files made using sunbeam init and sunbeam config update. This functionality depends on the extension’s configuration file being named config.yml.

In version <3.0, users can copy this example section to the end of their configuration file, using cat:

cat config.yml >> /path/to/user/sunbeam_config.yml

In your rules file, you can access parameters in the configuration like this: Cfg['sbx_coassembly']['group_file'].

The README file

We recommend that you include a README file in your extension. The contents of the file should be in Markdown format, and the file should be named Here’s what you should cover in the README file:

  1. A short summary of what your extension does

  2. Any relevant citations

  3. Instructions to install

  4. Instructions to configure

  5. Instructions to run

A good example to follow is the sbx_coassembly extension.

Publishing at

You are welcome to add your Sunbeam extensions to the organization at sunbeam-labs. To submit your extension, please go to the sunbeam Issues page and open and issue with the GitHub URL of your extension.